Are you a student or adult that would love to visit Toride City?

There is an opportunity for a short home stay in Japan at a very reasonable cost. Students in grades 7-12 who attend Yuba City Unified School District schools are invited to visit Toride City, Japan, as a representative of Yuba City. Toride City is the Sister City to Yuba City and is located about an hour north of Tokyo.

Students will be selected as Yuba City Delegation members based upon an application, interview, letter of recommendation, most current report card results and home school principal’s or principal’s designee approval. All student representatives are required to follow the trip rules and guidelines as set forth by the Sister City Association of Yuba City and to follow the directions of the teacher chaperone.

The trip includes round trip airfare between San Francisco/or Sacramento and Tokyo, Japan, and home stay lodging with a Japanese family while in Toride City. Two students will be assigned to stay with each Japanese family who may have children similar in age. The trip includes transportation to and from San Francisco International Airport and to and from Narita International Airport. It also includes entry fees to attractions and guided bus tours, trip health insurance, and a Welcome Party. The host family provides breakfast and dinner, and most lunches are provided as well. Estimated cost is about $2000 (depending on airfare costs at time of ticketing).

Student delegates will accompany an adult delegation. The students will attend school with the children of their host families for two days while the adults tour separately. On the weekend, host families entertain their guests individually one day. The other day the whole group, including adult delegates, travels by train to Tokyo to spend the day. A credentialed Yuba City Unified School District teacher travels with and is responsible for the student delegation members. This exchange effort is a partnership between the City of Yuba City, Yuba City Unified School District and the Yuba City Sister City Association.

We have recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the delegation exchange between Toride City, Japan, and Yuba City, California. Staying with a Japanese family is such a wonderful opportunity to understand more about Japanese culture and make lifelong friends. The delegates who have visited Toride City in the past have had very positive experiences.

If you are unable to apply to travel to Japan, your family might be interested in hosting Japanese students or adults who come to Yuba City every Halloween for a few days.

Interested in joining our next delegation and visiting Toride City, Japan?

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